Underwater welding is a specialized and highly skilled form that requires a unique set of skills and knowledge. Therefore, underwater welders are in high demand and earn higher salaries than traditional welders. The average for an underwater welder salary is around $50,000 annually, with some experienced welders making up to $90,000 annually.
The exact underwater welder’s salary will depend on various factors, such as experience level, location, and the type of work being performed. Welders specializing in deep-sea welding can expect to make more than those working primarily in shallow water. Furthermore, welders with additional certifications or specialized training may earn higher salaries.
In addition to salary, underwater welders may also receive additional benefits such as health insurance, vacation time, and retirement plans.
Underwater welder salary: How much they can make in 2023

welding underwater is a highly specialized and lucrative career, with salaries that can reach up to six figures in some cases. These welders are expected to earn an average salary of $80,000 in 2023. Based on the current market rate and the increasing demand for skilled professionals in this industry, this figure is based on an analysis of the current market rate for experienced welders.
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Commercial divers can earn upwards of $300,000 per year welding underwater.
Why the extensive pay range?
The majority of underwater welders are paid per hour or project. A big contract could make a steady $30,000 in a few months an underwater welder.
Your diving welder income is influenced by the following factors:
- Methods of diving
- Expertise
- Environment
- Certificates
- Equipment
- Overtime
- Offshore distance
- The depth of the work
Many factors contribute to increased pay, marketability, and career opportunities.
Underwater Welder Salary: Areas of Underwater Welding
Underwater welding can be done offshore or inland. Diving Projects and Work Hours
Offshore salary
Starting: $40,000 – $60,000
Veteran experience: $75,000 – $100,000+
Underwater Welder Diver Project Examples
- Providing drilling support
- Pipeline abandonment and platform abandonment
- The cleaning of subsea sites
- Inspection and stabilization of underwater oil pipelines
- Legs of chain anchors for surveying
- The installation of wellheads
- Oil Rig Pipeline Wet Welding
- Inspection & saturation diving
- Welding oil rig pipelines under hyperbaric conditions
- Turbine repair on cruise ships and naval ships
Onshore salary
Starting: $25,000-$40,000
Veteran experience: $50,000-$80,000
Diver Project Examples
- Water towers and bridges need to be cleaned and inspected
- The Wet Welding of Freshwater Pipes
- Dam walls need to be inspected and repaired
- Sewer Pipe Inspections
- Debris Cutting Underwater
- Sunken fishing boats are salvaged and recovered
- Support pillars for cement docks
- Demolition of decayed underwater structures
Underwater Welding Salary: Based on Country & Location

The salary of an underwater welder can vary greatly depending on the country and location in which they are employed. Underwater Welding Pay: Earning Potential Based on Country & Location. Remember that many divers work internationally for weeks or months; therefore, their earnings are credited through the countries they’ve worked in or around.
Many offshore dry and wet underwater welding takes place around the United States.
These earnings include income from all commercial diving projects since underwater welding is only a tiny portion of a diver’s job responsibilities.
Countries report underwater welding to pay categorically in three ways:
- Internal work location
- Numerically
- Percentile income
Their information is compiled from national employment statistics and graduate earning reports from underwater welding schools.
Underwater Welding Salary United States
Inland Salary Offshore Salary
$30,810 $108,170
Bureau of Labor Statistics BLS
Underwater Welding Salary United Kingdom
Inland Salary Offshore Salary
£50,000 £67,500
Underwater Welding Salary Australia
Inland Salary Offshore Salary
$65,000 AUD $180,000 AUD
Underwater Welding Salary New Zealand
Inland Salary Offshore Salary
$65,000 NZD $135,000 NZD
Underwater welding salary near Virginia
Inland Salary Offshore Salary
$34,239 USD $100,000 USD
Underwater welding salary near Maryland
Inland Salary Offshore Salary
$54,721 USD $111,825 USD
Underwater welding salary in California
Inland Salary Offshore Salary
$62,000 USD $120,825 USD
Note: The United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand hyperbaric welding salary statistics are based on daily rates. We multiplied these daily rates off of average working days for divers:
- Inland: 150 days
- Offshore: 200 days
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Certified welder salary
Certified welder salary can vary greatly depending on the type of welding they specialize in, their experience level, and their location. Generally speaking, welders certified by the American Welding Society (AWS) can earn an average salary of around $45,000 annually.
Those with more specialized skills, such as underwater welding, may earn up to $90,000 annually. Additionally, welders who work in specific industries, such as the oil and gas industry, may command higher salaries due to the increased demand for their skills.
Rig welder salary
Rig welders are highly skilled professionals who specialize in welding and fabricating large-scale structures, such as oil rigs, bridges, and other industrial projects. These welders work in extreme conditions, often outdoors in remote locations and sometimes underwater. Thus, their specialized skillset and experience make them highly sought after.
The salary of a rig welder depends on the type of welding they specialize in, their experience level, and the location where they work. Average annual wages for rig welders range from $50,000 to $60,000. Those with more specialized skills, such as underwater welding, may earn up to $90,000 annually. Additionally, welders who work in specific industries, such as the oil and gas industry, may be able to command higher salaries due to the increased demand for their skills.
Nuclear welder salary
Nuclear welders are highly skilled professionals specializing in welding components used in nuclear power plants. They must thoroughly understand the principles of physics, chemistry, and engineering to ensure that all welds meet safety standards. Nuclear welders typically earn higher salaries than other types of welders due to the specialized nature of their work.
The average salary for a nuclear welder is around $80,000 per year. Those with more specialized skills, such as underwater welding, may earn up to $100,000 annually. Additionally, welders who work in specific industries, such as the nuclear power industry, may be able to command higher salaries due to the increased demand for their skills.
Underwater welding salary per hour
Welders who work underwater can earn an excellent salary per hour. Many welders in this field can earn more than $30 per hour. A welder who has been working in the field for many years will be able to make a higher salary than someone who is just starting.
Underwater welding salary per week
The average salary for an underwater welder is $1,500 per week. This can vary depending on the company you work for, the location of the job, and your experience. Many underwater welders start out working on oil rigs, where they can make up to $2,000 per week. With experience, underwater welders can move into other areas, such as commercial diving, where they can make even more money.
Underwater welding salary per month
Welders who work underwater can expect a higher salary than those who work on the land. The average salary for an underwater welder is $4,000 per month. This is because underwater welding is a more specialized and dangerous form of welding. Welders who can work underwater can command a higher salary.
Underwater welding salary in texas/Florida
The average salary for an underwater welder in Texas is $62,000 annually. This is higher than the national average of $60,000 per year. Many factors contribute to the higher salary in Texas, including the high cost of living and the demand for skilled underwater welders. Several welding schools in Texas provide welders with the necessary training and certification. Many welding companies in Texas are always in need of skilled welders.
Is underwater welding a high-paying job
Yes, underwater welding is a high-paying job. The average salary for an underwater welder is $60,000 a year. That’s nearly double the average salary for welders on land.
The high pay is because underwater welding is a dangerous job. There is a risk of getting electrocuted or drowning. That’s why companies are willing to pay top dollar for someone willing to do this type of work.
If you’re thinking of becoming an underwater welder, you should know it takes work. Performing it safely requires extensive training and experience. But if you’re up for the challenge, then it can be an enriching career.